Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bloggity, blog blog, blog.. why blog?!
I am really not the blogging type. I am not witty, clever, or even that great of a story teller. I cannot spell, have no area of experties, no riveting hobby that would grip my readers. Frankly my life is pretty vanilla (you know the most ordinarily boring flavor of ice cream ever invented). Don't get me wrong,I love my life! But it really is not bloggg worthy.

I suppose the simplest reason for begginning a blog is that I'm a bit bored. I recently discoved that after deducting child care, meals on the run, and gas millagefrom my paycheck, I was pulling in a wopping $120.00 (no I didn't forget to add a zero) each month. This realization paired with the continual stress of a job I disliked, made it pretty claear, working wasn't working.

So now, I am a full time stay at home with a tiny tot in my home and an endles supply of snow and ice that prevents the tot and I from having any social life at all. Sufice it to say I'm not really sure what I am supposed to be doing.

So...I will blog untill I find my answer...or get tierd of blogging,which ever comes first.

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